Who We Are

  • A Startup Non-Profit Company (2019).
  • A group of people developing and constructing a small, Biblically based community.
  • Learning, growing into, and expressing the love of Jesus Christ in everyday living.
  • Challengers of status-quo Christianity.
  • People with huge dreams and Godly visions trying to live our fullest potential and purposes, and providing an avenue for others to do the same.
  • Goal-oriented towards becoming a resource hub for people to discover and develop their skills and gifts.
  • An establishment for shelter, hungry, poor, oppressed, downtrodden, rejected, weary, and hopeless people to come and be restored, rejuvenated, supported, and loved.
  • Making our best attempts to escape the rat race, downsizing and minimalist living, and pursuers of financial freedom.

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 What We Are NOT

  • A Church or attempting to establish a Church.
  • Partnered with any specific Church (although we represent many Churches).
  • Enablers (there is a screening process along with checks and balances).
  • Looking to replace Church (we actually want to compliment the Church).
  • Claiming to be perfect.
  • Claiming to be the only answer.

About Us